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Neobanks, also known as digital banks or challenger banks, are financial institutions that operate exclusively online, offering customers a seamless and innovative digital banking experience. With their customer-centric approach, modern tech-enabled processes, and agility, neobanks are transforming the banking industry and have emerged as a disruptive force that is competing with traditional banks. They provide consumers with a wide array of banking services while transforming the way we access and experience financial services. Neobanks deliver retail and SME banking services through digital channels, eliminating the need for physical branches.

In contrast to traditional banks, neobanks operate with remarkable flexibility. They do not have to deal with legacy systems, complex administrative structures, or unnecessary overheads. This autonomy makes them better equipped to create hyper-personalized customer experiences and provide services at significantly lower costs. The absence of bank licenses in some regions doesn’t hinder their progress, as neobanks collaborate with partners to offer bank-licensed services.

Neobanks and digital banks

Although digital banks and neobanks share a mobile-first approach and prioritize digital operating models, they are not identical in their structures and operations. While these terms are occasionally used interchangeably, it is important to distinguish between them.

Digital banks typically refer to the online-only subsidiaries of established and regulated players in the banking sector. They operate within the framework of an existing traditional bank, leveraging the parent bank’s infrastructure, resources, and regulatory compliance. In essence, they are a digital extension of a conventional bank, providing customers with online banking services while still having ties to a physical banking institution.

Neobanks, in contrast, are totally different organizations that only exist online and do not have any physical branches. They may operate independently or in collaboration with traditional banks. This independent existence allows neobanks to navigate the regulatory environment in a unique way, often partnering with licensed banks to ensure compliance with financial regulations.

While both digital banks and neobanks prioritize digital channels and customer-centric experiences, neobanks are transforming the banking industry in their own unique ways, their underlying structures and relationships with traditional banking institutions set them apart in the banking landscape. Understanding these distinctions is crucial to appreciating the diverse and evolving nature of modern banking services.

transforming the banking industry

Source: Boston Consulting Group

Neobanks in India

In India, virtual banking licenses have yet to be granted, although some foreign national banks offer digital-only products through their Indian subsidiaries. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) maintains a strong preference for banks to have a physical presence and has recently reiterated the requirement for digital banking service providers to establish some physical presence.

The importance of brick-and-mortar bank branches lies in their role in serving customers directly and resolving any issues they may have in person. In its 2014 Guidelines for Licensing of Payments Banks, the RBI emphasized that it does not envision payment banks becoming completely “virtual” or branchless entities.

Currently, neobanks in India are navigating regulatory challenges by outsourcing their banking responsibilities to entities with banking licenses. They strategically partner with traditional banks to offer enhanced services on behalf of the latter. This strategy, which is already used by well-known neobanks around the world, enables them to offer consumer and business banking services to their clients while abiding by regulatory requirements through their partner banks. From the perspective of the end customer, they interact with and receive financial services from the neobank, while the partner bank handles the underlying monetary transactions in compliance with regulations.

The impact of Neobanks

The following section discusses some of the ways that neobanks have changed the banking sector. 

Accessibility and Convenience: 

One of the key factors driving the success of neobanks is their unwavering focus on accessibility and convenience. Unlike traditional banks with brick-and-mortar branches, neobanks offer their services entirely online, enabling customers to access their accounts anytime, anywhere, through mobile apps or web platforms. This 24/7 availability eliminates the need for physical visits to the bank and long waiting times. Opening an account with a neobank is a breeze, often requiring just a few minutes and minimal documentation, reducing the hassle that comes with traditional banking.

Moreover, neobanks are designed to offer a user-friendly experience with intuitive interfaces and streamlined processes. Customers can easily navigate through their accounts, make transactions, set up savings goals, and track their expenses in real time. The speed and efficiency with which neobanks operate make banking transactions seamless, saving valuable time for customers and empowering them with greater control over their finances.

Enhanced Customer Experience: 

Neobanks have rethought the banking experience from the ground up, placing the customer at the center of their operations. Through data-driven insights and personalized offerings, neobanks are able to deliver tailored financial solutions that meet the unique needs of individual customers. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, these digital banks analyze customer behavior, spending patterns, and financial goals to provide customized recommendations and proactive financial management advice.

In addition to personalized services, neobanks prioritize transparency and simplicity. They often present information in a clear and easy-to-consume manner, avoiding complex banking jargon. This helps customers better understand their financial situation and make informed decisions. Neobanks also excel in customer support, offering round-the-clock assistance through various channels, including in-app chatbots and live chat, ensuring that customers receive prompt and satisfactory resolutions to their queries.

Financial Innovation: 

Neobanks are at the forefront of financial innovation, introducing novel features and services that revolutionize traditional banking practices. They harness cutting-edge technology to provide innovative solutions for wealth management, budgeting, and savings. For instance, neobanks often offer real-time transaction notifications, categorization of expenses, and detailed spending analysis, empowering customers to gain deeper insights into their financial habits and make more informed decisions. 

Account aggregation: 

Neobanks embrace open banking principles, allowing customers to link their accounts with other financial platforms and third-party applications. This fosters an ecosystem of integrated services, enabling customers to view all their financial information in one place and facilitate seamless transfers between different accounts and platforms.

Wider access and financial inclusion:

Neobanks also challenge the norms of traditional lending by offering quick and hassle-free loan applications, leveraging alternative data, and advanced credit scoring algorithms. This opens up financial opportunities for underserved segments of the population who may have struggled to access credit through traditional channels.


The global neobank market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 46.5% till 2026, generating around USD 394.6 billion by 2026, as per a report. As per Statisa, transaction value is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023–2027) of 18.15%, resulting in a projected total amount of US$9.24 trillion by 2027.

transforming the banking industry


Source: Statista Market Insights

Neobanks have emerged as a disruptive force that is transforming the banking industry as we know it. Through their emphasis on accessibility, convenience, enhanced customer experience, and financial innovation, neobanks have garnered a growing customer base and are reshaping the expectations of banking services. Traditional banks realize the need to adapt and incorporate digital strategies to remain competitive in this evolving landscape. As the neobank revolution continues to unfold, we can expect further advancements and collaborations, ultimately leading to a more customer-centric and inclusive banking ecosystem.

With neobanks transforming the banking industry by continuing to challenge the status quo, traditional banks are compelled to rethink their strategies to stay competitive in this rapidly evolving landscape. With their customer-centric focus, innovative approach, and seamless digital services, neobanks are ushering in a new era of banking.


  1. How are neobanks defining the future of banking?

Neobanks are reshaping the future of banking by transforming the customer experience through their mobile-first approach, cutting-edge technology, and customer-centric services. Operating solely online without physical branches, neobanks offer unparalleled accessibility, convenience, and personalized financial solutions. By leveraging data-driven insights and advanced AI algorithms, they provide tailored recommendations and simplified money management tools. Additionally, neobanks embrace financial innovation, offering seamless integrations with third-party platforms and reimagining lending processes. With their agility and disruptive mindset, neobanks are challenging traditional banking norms, driving the industry towards a more inclusive, efficient, and tech-driven future.

  1. Can neobanks replace traditional banks?

While neobanks have been disrupting the banking industry with their innovative digital approach and customer-centric services, it is unlikely that they will replace traditional banks. Neobanks offer a seamless online banking experience, lower fees, and personalized services, attracting a growing customer base, particularly among the tech-savvy population. However, traditional banks possess well-established physical infrastructure, customer relationship, extensive regulatory compliance experience, and a wide range of financial products that cater to diverse needs. Instead of replacement, the future may see a coexistence where traditional banks adopt digital strategies to remain competitive, while neobanks continue to carve out their niche with specialized offerings and agile operations.

  1.  What is the future of neobanks in India?

Given India’s rapidly growing digital ecosystem and its technologically savvy populace, neobanks in the country have a promising future. As the government and regulators continue to promote digital initiatives and financial inclusion, neobanks are likely to gain further traction, especially among the younger and mobile-first generation. Neobanks’ agility, innovative services, and personalized offerings are expected to challenge traditional banks and drive them to adopt digital strategies to remain competitive. However, regulatory compliance and building trust among customers will remain critical for neobanks to sustain and grow in the Indian market. Collaborations with traditional banks and strategic partnerships will likely play a significant role in shaping the neobank landscape and contributing to a more inclusive and dynamic financial ecosystem in India.

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